The process of integrating antiracist threads into your teaching is much the same as designing other learning experiences. Every single content area offers opportunities to explore matters of racism, inequity, social injustice, racial disparities, and social issues that impact marginalized populations and this shouldn’t be omitted in our day-to-day planning. 

As you consider the what, why, and how of antiracist learning within your curriculum, remember that your primary objective is to invite students to examine the effects of individual and structural/systemic racism on the conditions and circumstances of others. The process of designing a well-rounded antiracist curriculum begins with you taking deliberate steps to educate yourself with regard to the facts surrounding racism, discrimination and other topics like privilege, racial and social injustice, and inequality, so that you can be more informed as you seek to include antiracism into your content. However, you can’t wait to begin until you feel like you have completed your education in this area, because you won’t, and your students can’t afford for you to do that anyway.

There are countless resources and organizations to help you with this process that are just a click away on the internet. The resources beneath this tab offer a wide variety of supports and resources that will guide you towards becoming an actively antiracist educator.